Friday, February 26, 2010


Comparison among Vaporizer and Humidifier

In some areas low humidity is experienced mostly. Low humidity does not allow any person to breathe fully. Low humidity can create breathing problem for people suffering from cold. Humidifier and vaporizer are used for low humidity in different ways. Work of humidifier is to create humid environment by adding water vapors to the environment. You can measure humidity by measuring the amount of water present in the air currently. Humidifier uses various devices for spraying water to the air to create humid climate. When moisture is added to the low humid air using humidifier it is easy to breathe.

There is one short coming of humidifier that the amount of moisture added to the dry air cannot be measured. So it is difficult to tell exactly how much moisture has been added at any time. Like disadvantage of low humidity, high humidity also has many disadvantages. The high moisture content in the air can make every thing damp like wet wall can ruin paint on that wall. Vaporizer works in different way as compared to humidifiers. It releases hot air and work more effectively that humidifier. It can remove germs from the environment. It releases hot vapors from boiling water that kills all the bacteria’s and create healthy environment.